Hunters in AZ vote “YES” to Prop 109

Some hunters may or may not agree with Arizona’s Prop 109. However we want to encourage and make all hunters aware that whether or not you agree or disagree with some of the laws and rules in Prop 109 you must do your part and vote “YES”. It all boils down to our freedoms to continue to hunt and fish the way we see fit. We can’t allow animal rights groups to dictate to us how and when we can hunt and fish.

Think about this for a moment. Do you really want groups like The Humane Society, PETA and the Defenders of Wildlife deciding the rules and regulations regarding our hunting and fishing? Animal rights groups are the reason that these new rules and laws protecting wildlife get started. They start with simple ideas like to quit using steel-jawed traps, hound hunting of bears and bear baiting. These methods of hunting and trapping have been common hunting practices in America for generations. After these hunting methods are outlawed then they choose the next method of hunting to try and ban, and it goes on and on.

The Humane Society is really pushing their members to vote “NO” on Prop 109.

Here’s what the Humane Society has to say regarding this: “If approved, Prop 109 could repeal the voter-approved ballot measure on trapping, legalize canned hunting, and protect outrageous practices like hound hunting of bears or even bear baiting, if someone decided to start engaging in that activity. And we could forget about any attempt to restrict the use of lead shot that is killing highly endangered California condors, since a requirement to use nontoxic shot would “unreasonably restrict hunting.”

“They don’t like that we succeeded in convincing Arizona voters to outlaw cockfighting and extreme confinement of veal calves and breeding pigs on factory farms by ballot initiative. And they especially don’t like that we succeeded in persuading the electorate to ban the use of cruel and inhumane steel-jawed leg hold traps on public lands—since that was a restriction on the taking of wildlife.”

Click here for the full Humane Society article:

The Humane Society has spent over $250,000 on this issue, so as you can see this is very important to them.

Here’s what Sen. John McCain had to say regarding this issue: “Hunters are true conservationists and stewards of wildlands.” “Protecting the right of hunters in Arizona means a highly effective way to preserve wildlife populations and land management.”

Sandy Froman, the former president of the NRA is trying to defend sportsmen’s rights in AZ and is working with Sen. McCain on this issue. She had this to say: “Prop 109′s opponents, led by the anti-hunting Humane Society of the United States, are trying to mislead Arizona voters by throwing around terms such as – quote – power grab by the Legislature,” Froman said. “They’ve chosen this line of attack not because it’s in any way true but in an attempt to appeal to people’s current dissatisfaction with government.”

Click here for the full article:

Hunters Against PETA is urging all Arizona sportsmen to vote “YES” on Prop 109 to defend your rights to hunt. If animal rights groups succeed in AZ then it adds power to their cause and affects all sportsmen across America.

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